
Wacky Wills

Wacky Wednesday: Wills That Make You Go “Hmmm…: Reuben John Smith

by Rania Combs

NB: This post is part of a series highlighting wills that contain some interesting, and sometimes bizarre, bequests and stipulations. You can see all these posts here.

Reuben John Smith wanted to make sure he had a comfortable place to sit for eternity.

So when he died in 1899, he directed that his body be placed in a tomb sitting on a leather recliner that he selected specifically for the occasion.

Mr. Smith also selected specific clothing for the occasion: a hat, a warm coat. A key to the tomb was placed in his coat pocket, just in case he rose from the dead needed to get out, I guess.

About Rania

Rania graduated magna cum laude from South Texas College of Law Houston and is the founder of Rania Combs Law, PLLC. She has been licensed to practice law since 1994 and enjoys helping clients in Texas and North Carolina create estate plans that give them peace of mind.

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